Placed I have Worked (Outside UK)

Wednesday, March 18

Reply on Twitter

OK so in reply to the comment from Q1999

"still not sure about the whole twitter thing. it has proven its right to exist, but - ok, let me own up - my days are too boring and I have to few friends to hop on board"

That is part of what I love about twitter. You really only need to know 1 or 2 people and just have buckets of time! You can then go look at their friend list. You then click on the friends name and read their Twitters if interesting click follow, if not move on to the next person or look at this persons friends. You can burn a LOT of time this way so don't do it at work!

Another way of finding interesting people/tweets is twitscoop ( or set up a column in TweetDeck) This gives you a view of what is "Buzzing" and what topics are "Trending". As any particular Buzz or trend grabs your interest, just click on it. You will then be taken to a list of tweets about that. Guess what, if you find a tweet interesting click on the users name and you can see all of their tweets. Again if you like the tweets follow the user, if not move on.

Basically some of it is gossip on a global scale, some of it is brilliant insight (i.e. they agree with my preconceptions) and some of it is pure sales pitch. Follow what looks interesting to you. If you make a mistake in following someone you can also unfollow just as easily by clicking on your following link then just click on remove for that tweeter!

I try and add new people regularly by these methods, so I am constantly getting interesting input. If you tweet regularly (mine is just a stream of consciousness), you will get followers. You can use the same methods to look at their posts and friends and add as you wish!

The final think I would say is if you think something about someone's tweet, tell them. You can reply to a tweet easily and most people like feedback. A few of my (I hope) humorous replies have turned into very interesting conversations and mutual following.

Just remember best not to do all of this while you are supposed to be working!

Tell me what day it is and I will tell you where I am

Official mine of usless information

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