So what is a travel zone?
Well in Belgium that depends on the bus! Travelling from same point A (airport) to point B (hotel) but before my normal time (see why below) and got a different bus (same bus company). So it travelled the same route (slightly more stops) but the cost was doubled???? Apparently the zones are not defined by minor things like geography, but by the bus company deciding how may zones the bus travels through. So as this bus route had more zones I paid more, sort of made sense. Checked up that it was not a wayward bus driver being evil to the Brit, but that is basically how it is here!
Of course I would have been a LOT more upset if I had of been paying London Bus prices, where it costs you comparatively large amounts of money just to get on the bus!
OK so the reason I left early is because I got bonus points….
I am doing some SOX acceptance testing, you know 5 mins to do the test 3 1/2 hours to document the test!
The bonus points relates to while running tests last night I managed to kill the whole system (killed the App server). Probably a sad indication that it is the most fun I have had on project this week :(
I gave up at that point and went back to the Hotel
You name it we break it!
Tell me what day it is and I will tell you where I am
Official mine of usless information
Failing the ability to blame someone else, going back to the hotel is probably the preferred option :-)