Well you have already heard from me on the wonders of Ping (http://randombusinesstraveller.blogspot.com/2009/02/pingfm.html) a piece of beta software. Well once again I have to sing their praises. They along with half the southwest are out at #sxsw destroying their livers! But as soon as part of the system goes down they are on their phones with WAP fixing the problem. You have to love these guy's dedication.
Another piece of beta software worth a look is the new tweetdeck http://post.ly/8et (@TweetDeck). This reads and writes to both Twitter and now FaceBook so If like me you use both this is excellent! I just want them to integrate with the ping update client and I am a happy bunny!
These keep me up to date on some of my key social networks with the rest being taken care of by my RSS reader Klipfolio Personal Dashboard (http://downloads.klipfolio.com/downloads/home ). This is a Freeware version of some business software I installed for a client and again with a thriving user community to ensure you can read information from stock quoted to Dilbert in one place. As this is a spin off and "taster" for business software it is a (little) bit more reliable than the others.
The final bit I am using (when in the UK and can afford the data charges) is ceTwit http://www.kosertech.com/blog/?page_id=5 on my WM6 phone. This Reads twitter, but will write either to twitter or the Ping client.
The scary bit about all of these is they are all Beta versions. OK so my PC, phone and data all have industrial level backup, anti virus and firewall, but the number of crashes for these applications is minimal and absolutely no more than the commercial Outlook 2007 I use! Another cool thing with these pieces of software is that when they fail they fail "cleanly". This means that they never take down anything but themselves and are generally pretty good at telling you if there is a partial failure.
The only other one for my wish list is that Twitter will implement something in their API so I do not have to give my password to every single integration point I want to use!
Tell me what day it is and I will tell you where I am
Official mine of usless information
still not sure about the whole twitter thing. it has proven its right to exist, but - ok, let me own up - my days are too boring and I have to few friends to hop on board.